“VIRGINIA RECORDS” EOOD, NO. 121117883 – hereinafter referred to as “Organiser”, is organising a national songwriting contest for creators – hereinafter referred to as “Participant” in conjunction with “SOFIA SONGWRITING CAMP 2021” - hereinafter referred to as “Contest”.

    The purpose of the Contest is to discover talented authors of musical compositions, arrangements and lyrical works, who will take part in “SOFIA SONGWRITING CAMP 2021” – a yearly event, organised by the Organiser, which brings together creators (composers, lyricists, music producers and artists), for the purpose of creating new music and promoting Bulgarian authors abroad.


    1. By participating in this Contest (by sending demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s) in the way, outlined in the current terms and conditions) the Participants accept and agree with the current terms and conditions. 

    2. Everyone aged 18 and above, can participate in the Contest, except for the Organiser’s employees, their family members and members of the Contest Jury.

    3. Any Participant who wishes to participate in the Contest, has to prepare and send demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s) via the online form http://ssc.bg/contest-application/

    4. The Organiser accepts the demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s) for participation in the Contest in the way, outlined in Paragraph 5, for the period until 15.09.2021. All demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s) received after 15.09.2021 will not qualify for participation in the Contest and the Organiser has no obligation of sending them back to the Participant.   

    5. All demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s), submitted for the Contest, should meet the following requirements: 

    5.1. Word or .pdf format for the lyrics.

    5.2. MP3 and/or wav format or downloadable link for the demo recordings (soundcloud or dropbox).

    5.3. The lyrics have to be in Bulgarian or English language.

    5.4. The music genre must be suitable for the recording of pop songs.

    5.5. Lyrics with racist, xenophobic, hateful, offensive, obscene, provocative or other objectionable or otherwise inappropriate content, will not be accepted.

    5.6. All demo recordings and lyrics must be tailored to the theme of the Contest, if there is one. 

    5.7. The participation form, where the demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s) are delivered, must include the following information to be valid: Participant name, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, bio.

    7. By participating in the Contest, the Participant declares and guarantees that:

    7.1. The submitted demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s) are fully original and created solely by the Participant, without violating the rights of any third party. In case of copyright claims by third parties for the demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s) delivered by the Participant, these claims will be solely at the Participant’s expense.

    7.2. All lyrics do not contain offensive, indecent, provocative or other objectionable or otherwise inappropriate content.

    8. Demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s) received for the purpose of the Contest, will not be returned to the Participant. The Organiser is not obliged to store any demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s) after October 2021.  


    9. The Contest contains 2 (two) rounds – in the first round, all demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s) will be ranked, and based on the ranking, Participants will be selected for the second round . All shortlisted Participants will be notified by email or via phone, provided by the Participant in the participation form. 

    The second round of the Contest will take place in October 2021 in Sofia. All shortlisted Participants will be graded separately by an Expert Panel – consisting of internationally and nationally acclaimed music industry professionals (“Jury”), during a public listening session of the Participants’ demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s), selected for the second round. 

    The winners of the Competition will be announced on the same day (October 2021).

    10. Two winners of the Competition will be chosen (first and second place).

    11. The Jury reserves its right not to choose any winner(s).


    12. The Participants, ranked at the first two places, receive the right to participate in “SOFIA SONGWRITING CAMP 2021&rdquo which also includes free accommodation, food and transport from Sofia to Borovets and back.

    13. The Participants, ranked at the first two places, agree the demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s), as well as all Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s), created by the Participants during “SOFIA SONGWRITING CAMP 2021”, to be used by the Organiser for the creation of songs and recordings, and to be used in all acceptable ways by the Organiser. The terms for this usage are agreed in a music publishing agreement, signed by the Participants and the Organiser via the Organiser’s music publishing company “Virginia Publishing” EOOD. An additional condition for the Participants is to accept the terms and conditions for participation in “SOFIA SONGWRITING CAMP 2021”.

    14. In case one of the Participants, ranked at the first two places, withdraws from participating in “SOFIA SONGWRITING CAMP 2021”, or refuses to sign the music publishing agreement as outlined in Paragraph 13., an invitation is to be sent to the Participant ranked next in line (3rd place) and so forth. 


    15. The Participants agree that the Contest is subject to and governed by the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria, with disputes being settled by the competent civil court.

    Participants also agree:

    (a) to be bound by these Rules;

    (b) that the decisions of the Jury are final and binding on all matters related to the Contest, and

    (c) that in case the Participant wins, the Organiser may use the demo recordings with original Music composition(s) and/or Lyrical work(s), as well as the Participant’s name, photo, image and/or voice recording and video recording, in publications or advertisements, related to the Contest, but not only, without having to pay compensation or seek approval from the Participant.

    16. With the Participants‘ signature and applying to attend in the Contest, they declare that they have clearly and fully understood the Organiser's Data Protection Policies (annexed hereto), and have given their consent to the processing of their personal data, including names, phone and email address.


    17. If the Contest is not held for reasons beyond the Organiser's control that violate or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Contest, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel, modify or suspend the Contest.

    18. The Organiser reserves the right to change and supplement the terms for participation in the Contest, the changes being reflected on the website of the Organiser: http://ssc.bg/